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December 17, 2021

No Real Opposition in Ottawa, Says Bernier at End-of-Session Press Conference

December 17, 2021

Ottawa, ON, December 17, 2021 — Looking back at the parliamentary session that just ended, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, says it’s clear there is no real opposition in Ottawa on any of the major issues that confront our country.

“Both the NDP and Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives essentially agree with the Liberals on almost everything,” Bernier declared at a press conference in the party’s Ottawa headquarters. “Whether it is the authoritarian covid measures, the massive spending and inflation policies, or social issues such as conversion therapy.”

Maxime Bernier also explained that the PPC has come out of the recent election with sound finances, has hired four new staffers and is organizing to be ready for the next election, whenever it comes.

The full text of his declaration is available on the party’s website.


Contact: For more information, please write to: media@peoplespartyofcanada.ca.

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