We invite you to join Max and other PPC suporters for a day-long event on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at the Downie Optimist Community Centre, in St. Pauls Station.
Maxime Bernier, PPC Leader
Wayne Baker, PPC Candidate of Record for Perth-Wellington
Shane Hernandez, Former Michigan State Representative
Aaron Rock, Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel, Windsor, ON
Event's Schedule
10:30am - Doors Open
11:00am - Buffet Brunch
12:00pm to 1:00pm - Short Presentation and Q&A from Wayne, Shane and Max
1:00pm to 2:00pm - Supply Management - Why it is an unnecessary burden on both producers and consumers. Followed by Q&A with Max
2:00pm to 4:30pm - Forum - Topics with a focus on getting our Canada back. Can it be done with existing parameters?
4:30pm to 5:00pm - Meet and Greet
5:00pm - Buffet Roast Beef and Chicken Dinner
Followed by Speakers: Aaron, Wayne, Shane and Maxime
Meals provided by our favourite caterer: Gracie’sCountry Oven
Suggested donation for the day: $100.
Payment for donation can be made by cheque at the door or by E-transfer: midwesternon@teamppc.ca (Include Memo Perth-Wellington and Contact Information)
Please RSVP to info@perthwellingtonppc.ca or (519) 848-5839 by February 7th, 2025