It takes a team to win - and we need dedicated freedom fighters to take back our country from the established political elites!
Running for political office can be a big decision. Hear from our team on why partnering with the PPC is the right choice.
To get started, simply gather the necessary documentation outlined below and apply through our online form. Once submitted, a member of our team will be in touch to discuss next steps!
Freedom is a necessary precondition for human flourishing.
Everyone must take responsibility for their actions.
A big government is fundamentally, irrevocably unfair.
Government must respect our rights, our Constitution, and our national identity.
Not at all - many PPC Candidates have no political or campaign experience, whatsoever! While experience is an asset, it is not a requirement. We encourage anyone to apply, no matter your level of experience or background!
Absolutely! Our team of campaign professionals regularly hold training sessions geared towards every level of experience.
Becoming a candidate may seem like a daunting challenge if you’ve never done it. But any well-organized, articulate, and motivated person with a few hours to spare every week until election day can do it!
Remember that hundreds of ordinary Canadians, most of whom with no previous experience in politics, ran for the People’s Party in the last two elections!
Bottom line: you'll get out of your campaign what you put in!
Becoming a PPC candidate is easy - but there are several steps you'll need to take before submitting your application. Simply gather the necessary documentation and apply through our online form. Once submitted, a member of our team will be in touch to discuss next steps!