Bradley Nickerson - Candidate Profile

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Burnaby North-SeymourBradley Nickerson

Brad is an accomplished risk management and insurance professional with extensive experience managing cases in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. He has been engaged in medical-legal practice for nearly three decades — analyzing and assessing forensic, financial, and medical information for their probative value. Brad has had an active interest in economics for even longer. Brad holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) from Simon Fraser University, and the Canadian Risk Manager Designation (CRM) from the Global Risk Management Institute inc.

In the past he has been actively involved in a number of community and professional organizations, including the Burnaby Youth Soccer Association, the Burnaby Lacrosse Association, the BC Soccer Development Program, and the BC Risk & Insurance Management Association (BCRIMA).

Contact Brad: [email protected]

Brad's Twitter is linked below, links for a Facebook page and a website will be added at a later date.